


Elected: June 1981, in San Antonio, Texas
Other presidential candidates: Unopposed.


Ray Noxsel       Chmn. of the Board            California
LeRoy Ingram     Int. Vice President           Texas
Bob Phillips     Secretary                     New Jersey
Charlie Stubbs   Treasurer                     Florida
Sam Seever       Legal Counsel                 Nebraska
Carl Keplinger   Pres. Asst. (East)            Virginia
Mike Eason       Pres. Asst. (Central)         Nebraska
Mack Isley       Pres. Asst. (West)            Idaho
Ed Townsend      Sergeant at Arms              Illinois
James Hall       Int. V.P. Asst.               Ohio
Angel Torres     Conv. Coor.                   Arizona
Bob Lindholm     Historian                     Virginia
B.J. Tubbs       Chaplain                      Tennessee
Dave Habershaw   Communications Dir.           Rhode Island
Emory Wyatt      National Meetings             Texas
Dave Murrell     Parliamentarian               Indiana
Don Goerger      Products Coordinator          North Dakota
Wayne Matlock    Jaycee Liaison                Kansas
Bob Hunt         JCI Liaison                   Florida
Ed Hayward       Amb. to Canada                Massachusetts
R.J. Montgomery  Amb. to Mexico                Texas
Chuck Fries      10th Anniv. Com. Chmn.        Illinois
Dan Halter       10th Anniv. Com.              Ohio
Ray Baskette     10th Anniv. Com.              Georgia 
Phil Thompson    Pres. Adv. Com. Chmn.         Kansas
Doc McCarty      Pres. Adv. Committee          Tennessee
Val Koble        Pres. Adv. Committee          Illinois
John White       Dixie V.P.                    Georgia
Jim Luff         Mid-Atlantic V.P.             Maryland
Fred Fischer     Mid-America V.P.              Illinois
Gary Lazetera    New England V.P.              Vermont
Al Madsen        North Central V.P.            Minnesota
Ron Cupples      Northwest V.P.                Alaska
LeRoy Nitsch     Central West V.P.             Colorado
Dan Perry        Southwest V.P.                Nevada



"Introduction of JCI Senate Product Sales."

"Barry Kennedy, USA, elected president of Jaycees International."

"I have a brief summary as to the events that occurred during the year. We were able to welcome in Oregon as a 50th state to join the US JCI Senate in the year 1981 - 82. We were able to buy a room in the Jaycees International Headquarters in Coral Gables in the JCI Senate's name. The funds were raised by numerous volunteers throughout the Senate organization. We were able to set up a dues structure for the future of the organization that allowed expansion of the organization's communication. The greatest thing that I remember about the year would be the tremendous people I and the opportunity to meet and work with and now consider friends for a lifetime."

We have reached 50. Finally, we have all 50 states as members of the US JCI Senate. We can put that worry and process behind us and go forward.