


Elected: June 1980, in Cleveland, Ohio
Other presidential candidates: Carl Keplinger, Virginia.


Bob Hunt          Chmn. of the Board    Florida
James Hall        Int V.P.              Ohio
Emil Ruzicka      Secretary             Nebraska
Charlie Stubbs    Treasurer             Florida
Ron Davis         Legal Counsel         North Carolina
Val Koble         Pres. Asst.           Illinois
LeRoy Nitsch      Sergeant at Arms      Colorado
Ed Hayward        Int. V.P. Asst.       Massachusetts
R.J. Montgomery   Conv. Coor.           Texas
Bob Lindholm      Historian             Virginia
Ken Velton        Chaplain              Missouri
John Carney       Communications Dir.   California
B.J. Tubbs        Dixie V.P.            Tennessee
Bob Phillips      Mid-Atlantic V.P.     New Jersey
Thomas Selmer     Mid-America V.P.      Indiana
David Habershaw   New England V.P.      Rhode Island
Donald Goerger    North Central V.P.    North Dakota
Eldon Isley       Northwest V.P.        Washington 
Harold McCollum   Central W. V.P.       Oklahoma
Jim Ashley        Southwest V.P.        California



"1980 - '81 began with instructions from National and International to Cease and Desist. (We settled our differences.) Had the highest percentage increase of paid dues."

"Mailed monthly letters to every State Senate President; State Jaycee President; National Senate Vice Presidents; all National Jaycee Vice Presidents; National Jaycee President and all his officers. I mailed monthly letters to the US Jaycees E.V.P. and his officers; mailed at least one publications of MENTORS to each and every Senator in the United States; visited 49 0f 50 states; guaranteed the publishing of the first International Senate Directory of the past 10 years; saw the largest percentage of increase in membership of the US Senate since the Charter. I ended the year with the good fortune of being chosen Senator of the Year by the US Jaycees as their representative to the World Congress in Germany."

We continue to grow. Growth is the only positive sign of life, and with our continued growth, we are surely showing that we are alive.