

 No. 16232

Elected: June 1987, in Reno, Nevada
Other presidential candidates: Jim Hall, Ohio; George Fraser, Oregon.


Tony Dominiec      Chmn. of the Board  Texas
David Habershaw    Admin. V.P.         Rhode Island
Lanny Heater       Secretary           Arkansas
Ray Baskette       Treasurer           Georgia
Pat Lichter        Chaplain            Nebraska
T.J. Strahan       Region I V.P.       Massachusetts
Joe Sabella        Region II V.P.      Pennsylvania
Harry Kolodner     Region III V.P.     Maryland
Ron Whitmore       Region IV V.P.      Florida
Charles Gouveia    Region V V.P.       Illinois
Ken Stark          Region VI V.P.      Minnesota
John Hayes         Region VII V.P.     Louisiana
Driskoll Tubbs     Region VIII V.P.    Texas
Jim Ashford        Region IX V.P.      Alaska
Ben Makaea         Region X V.P.       Hawaii
Newton Standridge  MENTORS Editor      Iowa
J. Chad Anderson   Chief of Staff      Nevada
Val Koble          Pres. Advisor       Illinois
Nick Martin        Sergeant at Arms    Maryland
Herb Koerner       Bylaw Com. Chmn.    South Dakota



"1. Began the 'Yes We Can Help' program which has been carried by every president since as the 'Return the Favor' program. (Assisting the Jaycees when asked) "

"2. Major bylaw changes including 40% dues increase."

"3. Began the bidding for September Mid-Year meeting instead of president's hometown."

"4. Changed the US Jaycee Foundation guidelines to have US Senate Chairman of the Board sit on the board instead of Senate President."

Here we go again. As we grow, it takes more money to provide services to our members and to "Return The Favor". As we look back on this year, we all know what "Return The Favor" is today, but it was a major move forward for our organization in 1987-88. We had to have another dues increase. Necessary for service and RTF, but not a popular action.