Elected: June 1992, in Portland, Oregon |
EXECUTIVE BOARD Hal Krekorian Chmn. of the Board Michigan
Joe Eller Admin. V.P. Tennessee
Jim Ashley Secretary California
Don Robertson Treasurer Kansas
Jan Baumgardner Region I V.P. Massachusetts
Stan Malinsi Region II V.P. New York
Bill Cheesman Region III V.P. West Virginia
Warren Brown Region IV V.P. Florida
Tom Sutherland Region V V.P. Ohio
Andy Andrews Region VI V.P. Iowa
Travis Boatwright Region VII V.P. Louisiana
Tom Anderson Region VIII V.P. Colorado
Darrell Davis Region IX V.P. Oregon
Bob Holbert Region X V.P. Arizona
ADMINISTRATION HIGHLIGHTS Our 21st year started out in the record heat of Portland, Oregon and in some ways the heat remained all year. The Fall BOD was held in conjunction with the Fall Frolic in Falmouth, MA. We were the hosts for the Senators of the world at the congress in Miami. An outstanding job was done by chairman Dave Habershaw, the committee, and the Florida Senate. The January BOD meeting in Tulsa was a very productive one. All too soon, the year was done and we were meeting in Greensboro, NC to start all over again. During the year the U.S. Senate established it's own electronic bulletin board. A far cry from today's home pages, but a start. We reinforced the Return the Favor and the Organ Donor Awareness programs. The U.S. Senate membership grew again and the treasury was left in a strong positive position for the next year's BOD. During the year, I was fortunate to travel 44 out of the 52 weekends and to receive the warm hospitality of the Senate wherever I traveled. Although the majority of my trips were to national, state, and regional meetings, I was able to visit Canada, Mexico, England, and the Netherlands. I always thought that Hap Hilbish was an easy name to remember and pronounce, however, I heard it changed every way you can imagine. The most common was to call me Hal, but the best (or worst) had to have been in Texas, where the President of the Texas Senate introduced me as President Hal Hilbershaw. I look back on my year as your 21st President with pride in what you accomplished and humility in recognition that you chose me to lead this wonderful organization. It is an experience that I will never forget. |