The Outstanding Appointed Officer
(Ron Robinson Memorial Award)
The first known recipient was presented during Bob Hunt’s year (1979-80). Over the years, this award has been known by other names such as Outstanding Executive Committee Member and the Ira Moser Memorial Award (1998-2001). Please see the history of the Ira Moser Award for details. The appointed officer included the Ambassador position until the Ira Moser Memorial Award was established in 1994. There have been three (3) ties for this recognition: Steve Pindell #28921 and Doc McCarty #14783 shared the award for 1983-84 year; Mike Harris #24801 and Peter Bakos #32786 shared this award for the 1990-91 year; and Michael Sawyer #36403 and the Reverse Raffle Committee shared this award for the 1993-94 year. The Ron Robinson Award was instituted at the annual meeting held in Sioux Falls, 2002 to recognize the outstanding appointed officer of the year. This award is sponsored by the Ohio JCI Senate.
1979-80 Emil Ruzicka #21478, Chaplain
1980-81 none given
1981-82 Dave Habershaw #17879, Communication Director
1982-83 Edward Hayward #20317, Ambassador to Canada
1983-84 Steve Pindell #28921, Products
Doc McCarty #14783, Mentors
1984-85 Doc McCarty #14783, Mentors
1985-86 Dave Habershaw #17879, Mentors
1986-87 Newton Standridge #29407, Mentors
1987-88 Mike Harris #24801, Return the Favor (Originally known as “Yes , We Can Help”)
1988-89 Ron Robinson #13889, Products
1989-90 Jim Harmony #31809, Ambassador to Canada
1990-91 Mike Harris #24801, Mentors
Peter Bakos #32786, JCI Liaison
1991-92 Steve Dunn #36692, First Timer
1992-93 none given
1993-94 Michael Sawyer #36403, Chaplain
Reverse Raffle Committee
1994-95 Jim Ashley #23854, Membership Chair
1995-96 Ann Cromartie #48567, Return the Favor
1996-97 Ann Cromartie #48567, Return the Favor
1997-98 Ron Whitmore #25946, Mentors
1998-99 Gary Pittenger #24804, PIE (Ira Moser Memorial Award)
1999-00 Frank Alfano #28424, Raffle Chair (Ira Moser Memorial Award)
2000-01 no appointed officer recognized (See Ira Moser Memorial Award history)
2001-02 Jim Calder #5514, Return The Favor
2002-03 Ron Whitmore #25946, Mentors Editor
2003-04 Linn Jones #41419, Products
2004-05 Rob Wiley #56033, Return the Favor
2005-06 Vicky Dempsey #58206, Return The Favor
2006-07 Lea Ann Ford #59833, Return The Favor
2007-08 Johnny Swank #44479, Membership Information Services
2008-09 Julie Rieckman #60573, Chaplain
2009-10 Lawrence Pittman #53932, Future Directions Chairman
2010-11 Ariel Jones #65423, PIE Chairman
2011-12 Larry Ferguson #45060, Membership Information Services
2012-13 Ray Ainslie #44136, Chaplain
2013-14 Ariel Jones #65423, Sweepstake Chair
2014-15 Lowell Vahl #40315, Webmaster
2015-16 Marsha Phillips #47528 Mentors
2016-17 Kathleen King #68704 Future Directions
2017-18 Gary Pittenger #24804 Membership Information Services
2018-19 Nancy Gianetti #69463 P.I.E. Chairman
2019-20 Gary Duell #48384 Constution & By-Laws<
2020-21 Donna Delaney #55560 Presidential Sweepstakes
2021-22 Chery France #57391 Presidential Sweepstakes
2022-23 Nancy Salopek #47610 Chaplain
2023-24 James Rupard #41615 Chaplain